MBL Accounting s.r.o.

Dual About us

Our company is young and experienced with more than 30 years of skills.

Our services focus on complex managing of client’s accounting. Our typical kind of clients is from a self-employed person to a mid-sized company.

Our cooperation is based on reliability, fairness and pro-client approach.

Our standards

Why to start with MBL

We are both young and progressive company with more than 30 years of experience. We have a modern way of look into the accounting world.


We operate all day all week (24/7). Our services work online as good as offline.


Client’s wish is our joy. We help our clients with more than only accounting.


We meet our clients in their offices, have a detailed talk about their accounting and take it from the business point of view of our clients. We substitute an accounting department in its whole range.


Our history

The beginning

Everything has started more than 30 years ago. Our current director of accounting department and co-owner Mrs. Benešová started working as an accountant in ČKD. After the Velvet Revolution, she became a businessman in the field of accoutning and economic consultancy which she has been doing till nowadays. Her son wanted to follow her and, therfore, attended economic secondary school.

Once, Mr. Beneš got a degree from accounting and after 10 years of experience he made a decision to establish his own company. MBL Accounting, established in 2018, had been growing in order to get extended by new members of the rest of the family. Our aim is to change the point of view to accounting. We would like to make accounting to be clear and modern part of every entrepreneur and company.

Marketing director

Mgr. Jitka Benešová

„Having my own business with my family has always been one of my biggest wishes, so I enthusiastically accepted the offer to become one of the members of MBL Accounting s.r.o. In this position, I aim to bring to our company a modern spirit associated with communication with people.

Accounting was also a difficult task for me during my studies and I was grateful for any help, so I am glad that I can be part of a company that can relieve people of similar inconveniences. With MBL Accounting, everyone can rely on the fact that their accounting will no longer be the old bogeyman from school, but a field that we can handle with ease together.“

director of the accounting department

Ing. Jitka Benešová

“I always used to play with numbers, tricky mathematical problems and their solutions.

I incorporated counting and logical thinking into the accounting during my studies at a business academy.

I was studying accounting also at college – Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze. During years, I worked in every kind of the accounting departments in ČKD Praha. I also worked in business in the field of sales. That was the breaking point I recognized that the accounting and the business is the way I wanted to go. I finished course of accounting for entrepreneurs in 1993 and I obtained a certificate – Qualified accountant for business. And now, I have been working as an accountant and an economic adviser for more than 30 years.

I regularly attend courses and learn new knowledge.

Being a member of MBL Accounting is the best way to share my knowledge obtained from many years of experience and regular studies. We all have professional and accurate attitude towards our business.”